Leveraging neuroscience for leadership

Welcome to the 2022 Autumn digital magazine from Ann Collins Coaching.

The end of August is well known for being a great time to go to the game reserves in southern Africa. I was lucky enough to live and work in Zimbabwe back in the 90's where I visited Etosha Game Reserve in Namibia. Watching lions lie in the sun and seeing the long eyelashes of the giraffes close up were amazing but what intrigued me more were the bucks, the zebras and the other more vulnerable animals. They were walking a tightrope between thriving and surviving, relying on their decision-making and their survival instinct. The stakes were high!

I'm fascinated by how we make decisions. The more I work with clients, the more I see that when they understand their own decision-making processes, they feel more focussed and life feels easier. Why is this?

When we harness the power of working in flow with the brain (and being able to use either rational or intuitive thinking when we wish) we're able to anticipate decisions that might be difficult and put processes in place to ensure that we are balancing an intuitive response with a rational one. Recruitment is an obvious example when we're thinking about diversity, but it extends well beyond that.

In today's world, the extraordinary ability of the human brain remains your greatest resource to grow your organisation. In this edition, I'm diving into some of the neuroscience around leadership and decision-making in particular. It is a fascinating area and in this edition, I barely scratch the surface, but there will be more to follow on this!

If you would like to know more about how leadership development or team coaching could help you or your organisation, do get in touch. I continue to coach one to one senior leaders on a private basis too. If you are looking to get clarity on your future career or hit the ground running in a new more senior role or simply find enjoyment in your work, do get in touch to see if we could be a fit

Emma Higginson