Leading in turbulent times
Welcome to the 2022 Spring online magazine from Ann Collins Coaching, As the world comes to terms with the impact of a two year pandemic, that is not yet over, and a war in Europe, organisations are adapting and changing at a rate they had never envisaged, with a workforce that is tired and stressed, looking ahead to a future that is far from clear.
Already with Covid, leadership has changed forever: employees have experienced a different way of working, their expectations and needs have changed, creating an urgent need for leaders to simultaneously build high performing teams and ensure that wellbeing is at the heart of their leadership.
At the time of writing, we are just 1 month into the war in Ukraine. It's a situation that is changing hour by hour, with the impact on the rest of the world not yet clear, but likely to, at best, involve interrupted supply chains and at worst, a total change in the world order. Uncertainty is once again the only certainty.
Leaders are required right now to work with the certainty they can create. Digging deep to find the vision, the energy and the hope is not easy, but leaders have risen to the challenge before, not by being superhuman, but by collaborating, connecting with their employees and keeping their eye on what is truly important.