S1: Ep7 | Susan Deith: A leader with a mission: contributing to education in Nepal
with Susan Deith: Founder of Virtual Not Distant
In this fascinating episode, Susan speaks very honestly about her experience of working in Nepal in the field of business and English language teaching. With over 20 years of experience of working in Kathmandu, she explains how she has coped with the challenges of working in a male dominated environment and how she has built her team, instilled confidence in them and created a community with a vision.
Her vision is not only to provide high quality education, but to extend access to those unable to afford it. She really walks the talk of corporate responsibility. A truly inspiring leader with an important message of patience and humour that is rarely heard in the leadership development space.
About Susan:
Susan has been working in business and in the English language field for over 20 years. She worked for the British Council in Nepal for over 10 years and 10 years ago, she founded her own language school called the English for All Language Training Centre where she is now Director.
English for All: www.englishforallkathmandu.com/
English for NepAll: to make donations to the English language learning scholarship scheme contact Susan Deith directly on the website link above or donate here on her JustGiving account:
All donations go directly to paying for English lessons for young professionals or students who are unable to pay.
You can contact Susan here: