4 Beliefs About Time Management That Are Holding You Back: Part 1


with Ann Collins

If you've ever wondered why managing time is so difficult, you're not alone!  You are probably used to reflecting on how you use your time in the bid to be more efficient, but are you questioning your own beliefs about time?  

Why is that important?

Our beliefs around time impact our thoughts and in turn determine our actions!  

But how do we identify our beliefs about time in the first place?  

This takes a bit of digging, but in this podcast, I talk about the 4 beliefs that I see commonly holding back senior leaders: 

  1. Time is the problem: I need to be more efficient!

  2. Busy (and therefore time scarce) means successful

  3. I "should" spending time doing....

  4. Downtime is a luxury

As soon as you can identify these often hidden beliefs and consider how you might want to shift them, you start to take different action. 

Tune in to hear more about these 4 beliefs and in part 2, I talk about how to change them. 

For a more detailed article, go to our blog.

If you'd like to find out more about coaching for yourself or for your organisation, contact us: ann@anncollinscoaching.com to arrange a call.

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UPCOMING EVENT at Ann Collins Coaching - Monday 4th July 8pm

Become The Leader You Want "to be": ditch the "to do" list

In this webinar, we will be exploring how we can accelerate our change in our leadership by focusing less on our "to do" list and more on our "to be" list.

Find out more here.